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文章来源: 作者:畅玉菁 审核: 发布时间:2017年07月10日 点击数: 字号:【


主       题:From Internationalization to Internalization: The Micro and Macro Processes of MNE CSR Learning(从国际化到内部化:跨国公司企业社会责任学习的微观和宏观过程

时       间:713900-1100


主讲人:唐景安 博士

主持人:吴建祖 教授


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an important component on the strategic agenda of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs), yet there is only a limited understanding of how CSR has evolved over time to such strategic importance. This study explores theories of organizational learning, internationalization and institutional change and develops a process-based model to explain how MNEs learn to care about CSR. The research demonstrates how the CSR learning is internalized into corporate dominant logic during the business internationalization process. It is argued that such learning goes through a bipartite process in which the micro organizational learning mechanism builds a vehicle for CSR learning to be carried through, while the macro institutional paradigm shift provides thrust that propels the learning vehicle to run on the CSR course.


唐景安,加拿大西安大略毅伟商学院战略与国际商务博士,美国圣心大学杰克·韦尔奇商学院助理教授(终身教职),主要研究方向为战略管理与国际商务。唐景安教授的研究成果发表在Journal of Business and Policy ResearchJournal of Asia Pacific Business等学术期刊上过去五年中,唐景安教授在圣心大学商学院进行战略管理以及国际商务课程的教学工作,其案例教学法被学生评选为优秀教学奖。