Global Cooperation
5. 兰州大学研究生学位论文学术不端行为检测及处理办法-English Version
Rules of Anti-plagiarism for Post-graduate Students of LZU
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
Article 1 This policy is formulated to push postgraduates obey academic morals norm, prevent plagiarism, promote academic integrity, maintain LZU’s reputation and to create sound academic environment.
Article 2 LZU adopts TMLC of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) to detect the plagiarism of post-graduate students’ dissertation (shorted as detection in the following).
Article 3 All the dissertations for doctoral, master and bachelor degree application are included into the detection. Having passed the detection, one could move to the session of dissertation evaluation and defense.
Chapter Ⅱ Organization and Implementation
Article 4 Objects and requirements dissertation detection
(1) Detection object is the main body of one’s dissertation, i.e.,body text without cover, copyright statement, use accredit statement, reference, appendix and acknowledgments.
(2) Submitted dissertation shall in the form of WORD and PDF, named format should be as “School code-Student ID-Name”. Secret-involved dissertation shall take decryption measures before detection.
Article 5 Formulation of detection standard
(1) Each sub-committee of academic degrees evaluation should formulate its detection standards (pass、review and fail) according to the features of disciplines where it belongs. The standard is the only evidence of detection result (pass or not).
(2) Each school (research institute) should promptly inform its standards and relevant regulations to students and teachers.
Article 6 The basis of detection result is the reproduction ratio after remove published information. i.e., after remove the reproduced words of published academic achievements, which the student as the first author (or supervisor as first author, student as second one), the percentage which the word number of the dissertation to be detect account for the full text.
Article 7 Detection ahead of defense
(1) Detection ahead of defense shall be finished by schools (research institutes). Graduate school shall set operating account for each school (research institutes) and distribute amount of detection according to the number of degree applicants.
(2) A specially-assigned person from school (graduate school) shall be responsible for dissertation detection. The staff assigned must strictly execute rules to guarantee the security of the operating account,one can only detect dissertation of the applicant of its own unit.
(3) Before submit the dissertation to be detect, a degree applicant is required to fill a “from of dissertation detection” and signed by the supervisor for approval.
(4) Schools (research institutes) should examine the format of submitted dissertations, dissertations should be clear, coherent and complete main body with appropriate format. After check can a unit keep on the detection process.
Article 8 Dissertation detection after defense
(1) A degree applicant is required to submit one’s final dissertation to LZU’s library, archives and post graduates management information system within the due time. If a applicant fails to submit the degree dissertation for any reason without delay, LZU will regard it as application giving up.
(2) A degree applicant is required to guarantee the identical of submitted dissertations both in electronic and paper edition.
(3) Detection after defense shall be responsible by graduate school. The graduate school shall select dissertations in electronic edition from LZU’s library, archives and post graduates management information system randomly to detect.
Chapter Ⅲ Result and Disposal of Detection
Article 9 Disposal ahead of defense
(1) Once a dissertation pass the detect, the degree applicant could directly participate evaluation and defense.
(2) If a dissertation need to be “recheck”, the degree applicant have to modify one’s dissertation no less than two weeks, and one could apply for a recheck after approved by his supervisor and the sub-committee of academic degrees evaluation. The result “pass” of the recheck is valid for a degree applicant to participate evaluation and defense; the result “fail” is not valid for corresponding degree application, the applicant should reapply the degree six-months later.
(3) If a dissertation fail to pass the detection, the degree applicant is required to modify the dissertation and reapply the degree six-months later.
(4) If one’s dissertation has severe academic misconduct, LZU will disqualify one’s right of degree application till expel from the academic status according to relevant regulations.
Article 10 Disposal after defense
(1) The result “pass” is valid for corresponding degree application.
(2) The result exceed the standard of “pass” is not valid for corresponding degree application, the applicant should reapply the degree nest semester.
(3) Applicants who want to avoid detection will be seriously dealt with by LZU. For serious circumstances, relevant schools should submit to LZU’s degree evaluation committee to disqualified one’s right of degree application.
Article 11 Supervisor’s Responsibility
Supervisors should strictly control dissertations’ academic morality and urge the degree applicants to modify one’s misconduct part in their text. LZU will dispose according to the seriousness of circumstances if the misconduct is because of supervisors’ dereliction.
(1) If there are two dissertations fail to pass the detection within one academic year, LZU shall schedule a meeting with corresponding supervisor and ask for a correction and inspection with in a fixed period; and if more than three (including three) dissertations fail to pass the detection, LZU shall schedule a meeting with corresponding supervisor and will be notified to the whole university.
(2) If more than 2 dissertations (including 2) fail to pass the detection for the consecutive two academic years, LZU shall suspend one’s enrollment (employment) qualification for one year. For serious circumstances, LZU will disqualify their supervisor title.
Chapter Ⅳ Supplementary Provisions
Article 12 Dissertations fail to pass the detection caused by submission error, the degree applicants shall take full responsibility.
Article 13 Staffs responsible for detection are required to keep absolutely secret of the account and code of detection, they should abide by the university’s rules and should not using one’s easy access to detect irrelevant dissertations from other units.
Article 14 The present regulations shall come into force as of the date of promulgation and subject to the interpretation of the university’s graduate school.