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文章来源: 作者:畅玉菁 审核: 发布时间:2018年04月10日 点击数: 字号:【


主题:Multifaceted State Influence on Corporate Environmental Actions in China



主讲人:王汝曦 博士

主持人: 吴建祖 教授

Summary of Lecture

Emerging economies such as China enjoy economic expansion but also face dramatic environmental challenges. Chinesegovernment is a central actor in both stimulating economic activities and pursuing environmental protection. Drawing on panel data and in-depth interviews, we examined the influence of the Chinese state at multiple levels on the environmental actions of publicly listed firms. The results show that corporate environmental actions follow an inverted U-shape as control of environmental practices moves from the central government to the most decentral administrative level. This curvilinear relationship is positively moderated by the stringency of environmental regulation and negatively moderated by environmental monitoring capacity. We conclude that state influence on corporate environmental actions in China is multifaceted and subject to 'policy-policy decoupling'.

Personal Resume

Ruxi Wang,an Assistant Professor at the Business School of Renmin University of China. She received her PhD from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in June 2017, a Master degree in Applied Economics and a Bachelor degree in Information Engineering both from Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Ruxi’s general research interests center around corporate social responsibility, political strategies, business groups, institutional theory, and China studies. Her studies have been accepted at Strategic Management Journal, presented at international conferences including AOM, EGOS, ARCS, and SMS, or are under review at top-tier journals.