Academic News
- 2025新年贺词01-01
- 兰州大学管理学院2025年博士研究生招生“申请-考核…11-21
- 管理学院召开第二十一届研究生会主席团述职会01-02
- 管理学院召开学科评估工作专题会议01-07
- 管理学院2025届本科毕业论文管理工作安排09-20
主题:You Are Great and I Am Great (Too): New CEOs’Social Influence Tactics in Leadership Transition Process
主讲人:易希薇 博士
Newly appointed CEOs face liability of newness, especially (1) when predecessor CEOs remain as board chair, and/or (2) when stock market reacts negatively to their appointments, both of which may increase the likelihood of their early dismissal (i.e., dismissal within three years). In this study, we examine how new CEOs may mitigate such elevated risk using social influence tactics of ingratiation and self-promotion. We propose that new CEOs’ use of ingratiation to predecessor CEOs and their past work in the firm creates “liking-based” social approval, which may reduce the impact of predecessors remaining as board chair on the likelihood of their early dismissal. We also propose that new CEOs’ use of self-promotion creates “competence-based” social approval, which may weaken the impact of negative stock market reaction on the likelihood of their early dismissal. To test these arguments, we conduct a computer-aided content analysis to create proxies for CEOs’ use of ingratiation and self-promotion, based upon transcripts of conference calls that a sample of new CEOs had with stock analysts in the first two years of their tenure. Our empirical results provide strong support for our theoretical arguments.
易希薇,北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系助理教授、博士生导师。研究领域:高层管理团队与战略决策、创业企业的成长和中国企业的国际化。易老师在Academy of Management Journal(accepted)、Strategic Management Journal和Academy of Management Perspective等国际顶级期刊发表多篇文章。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“新任CEO早期解聘风险的前因和管理”以及“光华思想力”平台的“知识产权保护与专利战略”等课题。