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文章来源:行政办公室 作者:尚蔼雯 审核:郎玫 发布时间:2019年06月14日 点击数: 字号:【



E-Government and Anti-corruption in China and India: Insights from Civil Servants

主讲人:严奕飞 博士

主持人:郎玫 副教授




Both China and India are increasingly adopting information and communication technologies (ICTs) to facilitate openness and transparency in government, and hence reduce corruption. Quite distinctive from their traditional anti-corruption approaches, such as legislative/judicial ones or party-dominated campaigns, is the innovative e-government approach an effective solution to the issue of corruption in the two countries? This paper addresses the question from the perspective of civil servants, an important group of stakeholders which is nevertheless overlooked in the existing anti-corruption literature. Through comparable in-depth interviews with 44 officials in these two countries, it finds that civil servants overall think positively about transparency and technology in reducing corruption. However, their effectiveness will be conditional on various factors such as political willingness, income inequality or infrastructural readiness. Accordingly, combining different anti-corruption instruments in a way that synergizes their merits and mitigates their shortcomings will be crucial in making anti-corruption policies work.


严奕飞 Bria Yifei Yan,曾求学三大洲八个国家,后于新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院获得公共政策博士学位。研究方向为社会政策、教育治理,并常年关注中国和印度这两大发展中大国的公共政策与经济社会发展。擅长运用问卷、案例分析、Q方法等定量研究方法。博士论文入选新国大校级社会科学最佳论文奖,研究成果发表于《社会研究与实践》、《中国国际政治期刊》等英文期刊及世界经济论坛等平台。