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管理前沿研究方法系列研讨会(第十三期):Jeremy David Rayner教授
应战略与组织管理研究所所长张国兴教授,加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy的Jeremy David Rayner教授来我院举办学术讲座。欢迎感兴趣的师生积极参加!
主题:Do countries have energy choices? Explaining the determinants of energy mixes in the electricity sector
主讲人:Jeremy David Rayner教授
主持人:张国兴 教授
地 点:兰州大学城关校区齐云楼204会议室
In little more than 100 years, electrical power has become a critical source of energy. Access to reliable and affordable electricity is a central goal of energy policy in most countries today. The choice of power generation sources has been loosely constrained by a broad range of factors, including natural endowments of primary energy, available technologies, national security considerations and infrastructure requirements, resulting in significant differences in power generation mixes within and between countries. In theory, the growing importance of climate change goals should reduce the differences and we should see a convergence of power generation mixes towards a smaller number of clean and renewable technologies. In practice, we know that policy convergence is subject to a range of influences and causal mechanisms and, using the example of Canadian provinces, we identify the impact of these mechanisms on maintaining diversity in power generation mixes.
Jeremy David Rayner 教授1975年获得剑桥大学经济、政治与社会科学学院学士学位,1976年获得杜伦大学政治学系硕士学位,1983年获得加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学政治学系博士学位,目前是加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学公共政策研究生院终身教授、国际项目主任。主要从事于公共政策方面的研究,包括政策过程(政策认知及政策演变)、政策分析、治理、资源政策、能源政策、环境政策等。在Nature Climate Change、Applied Energy、energypolicy等国际著名期刊发表多篇学术论文。兼任Canadian Political Science Review合作主编,Policy and Society编委会成员等多个社会职务。