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Ning Liu#, Guoxian Bao, Xiaohui Wang#. The double-edged effect of political trust on the COVID-19 pandemic: empirical evidence from China, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 17(2): 331-356. (SSCI Q1)

Shan Zhang, Haoliang Cui, Mingqi Fu, Bo Zhang, Ning Liu#, Jing Guo#. Marriage matching patterns associated with depressive symptoms among Chinese adults: A nationally representative age-period-cohort modeling study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2024, 351: 341-348. (SCI Q1)

Ning Liu, Hong Qian, Benzhong Zhang, Jing Guo#. Spillover effects of violent attacks and COVID-19 exposure on mental health of health professionals: A two-phase quasi-natural experiments study in Northwest ChinaCambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, 2023, 10, E76.  (SCI Q2)

Ning Liu#Guoxian Bao, Shaolong Wu. Social implications of COVID-19: Its impact on general trust, political trust, and trust in physicians in China. Social Science & Medicine, 2023, 317: 115629. (SSCI Q1, ABS 4)

Ning Liu#, Zhuo Chen, Guoxian Bao. Unpacking the red packets: Institution and informal payments in healthcare in China. European Journal of Health Economics, 2021, 22(8): 1183-1194. (SSCI Q1, ABS 2)

Ning LiuZhuo Chen#, Guoxian Bao. Role of Media Coverage in Mitigating COVID-19 Transmission: Evidence from China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2021, 163: 120345. (SSCI Q1, ABS 3)

Ning LiuGuoxian Bao, Alex He#. Does health insurance coverage reduce informal payments? Evidence from the "red envelopes" in China. BMC Health Service Research, 2020, 20: 95-105. (SCI)

刘宁吴少龙#包国宪新农合规制政策对乡村医生行为的影响——基于全国性农村医疗卫生社会调查的实证分析经济社会体制比较, 2023, (04): 65-76.CSSCI, FMS T2

刘宁#包国宪柴国荣基于考核主体、竞争模式与信息披露方式的医生绩效评估策略研究系统工程理论与实践, 2023, 43(2): 568-582.CSSCI,国家自然科学基金管理科学部认定的A类重要期刊, FMS T1

刘宁张有道#沈孝强王向东线上教学对大一新生课程学习绩效的影响当代教育与文化, 2022, 14(05): 95-102. (教改论文)

包国宪刘宁#农村医疗体制改革的公民参与研究——以新农合为例甘肃行政学院学报, 2019, 6: 58-67. (CSSCI)

包国宪刘宁#医保支付方式与乡村医生行为南方经济. 2019, 38(9): 19-34. (CSSCI)

包国宪刘宁#中国公立医院改革(2009-2017): 基于PV-GPG理论的定性政策评估南京社会科学, 2019, 2: 64-71. (CSSCI)