Academic News
论文题目:Key Audit Matter Disclosure and Investor Information Acquisition(关键审计事项与投资者信息获取)
报告人:刘雪娇 教授
主持人:罗劲博 教授
时 间:2021年12月22日15:00-17:00
论坛地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:679-374-562 )
Utilizing the unique institutional background in China, where the content of site visit transcripts is publicly available for a group of listed companies, we examine and find that investors raise significantly more Key Audit Matter (KAM)-related questions during corporate site visits subsequent to the firms’ initial KAM disclosures. We use machine reading and textual analysis to extract KAM keywords and classify site visit questions that contain at least one KAM keywords as KAM-related. Our results suggest that investors devote attention to and use KAM disclosures to navigate their future communication with managers. Furthermore, we show that the effect of KAM disclosure on investor information acquisition are more pronounced for firms with poor financial reporting quality, firms audited by large audit firms and audit firms with industry expertise, and for unique KAM items. Our findings are robust after using alternative KAM keywords, event windows, and accounting for alternative explanations. (利用投资者在上市公司现场访问的公开数据,我们研究发现,在公司首次披露了关键审计事项(KAM)之后,投资者在访问公司现场时提出了更多与关键审计事项相关的问题,通过使用机器学习和文本分析来提取KAM的关键词,研究显示出:投资者高度关注并利用KAM披露信息来引导其与企业高管未来的沟通。进一步发现,对于财务报告质量较差企业、由大型审计事务所和具有行业专长的审计事务所审计的企业,以及具有独特的关键审计事项条款的企业,关键审计事项的披露对投资者信息获取的影响更为显著。)
刘雪娇,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院教授,博士生导师,2013年毕业于香港大学,获得会计学博士学位,并于同年加入对外经济贸易大学会计学系。研究主要围绕资本市场信息中介展开,主持两项国家自然科学基金项目,研究成果发表在Contemporary Accounting Research(FT45,ABS4), Journal of Corporate Finance(ABS4), Jounral of Business Finance and Accounting(ABS3), Journal of Business Ethics(FT45,ABS3), Abacus(ABS4)等学术期刊。