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雷文婧,女,甘肃靖远人,同济大学管理学博士,现担任兰州大学管理学院讲师。研究领域为不确定决策以及信息安全。在Information Sciences、Expert Systems with Applications等发表SCI学术论文多篇。
n Wenjing Lei, Weimin Ma, Bingzhen Sun. Multigranulation behavioral three-way group decisions under hesitant fuzzy linguistic environment. Information Sciences. 2020,537: 91-115. (SCI Q1)
n Wenjing Lei, Weimin Ma, Xiaona Li, Bingzhen Sun. Three-way group decision based on regret theory under dual hesitant fuzzy environment: An application in water supply alternatives selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 237: 121249. (SCI Q1)
n Wenjing Lei, Siqi Hu, Carol Hsu. Unveiling the process of phishing precautions taking: The moderating role of optimism bias. Computers & Security, 2023, 129: 103249. (SCI Q2)
n Wenjing Lei, Siqi Hu, Carol Hsu. Uncovering the role of optimism bias in social media phishing: An empirical study on TikTok. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2023: 1-15. (SSCI Q2)
n Xiaona Li, Weimin Ma, Honghua Shi, Zhengrong Chen, Wenjing Lei*. A game theoretic approach for evaluating high-water consumption manufacturing strategies under endogenous government financial subsidies. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, 176: 108907. (SCI Q1, ABS 2)
n Kaixin Gong, Weimin Ma, Wenjing Lei*, Mark Goh. A dynamic trust network and influence measure-based consensus model for large-scale group decision-making with incomplete intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2023: 1-21. (SCI Q1, ABS 3)
n Wenjing Lei, Siqi Hu, Carol Hsu. Understanding Optimism Bias in Phishing: A Health Belief Model PACIS 2021 Proceedings, 2021.07.
n 甘肃省哲学社会科学规划青年项目,多源数据驱动的甘肃省光伏产业链韧性评价研究2023QN004, 2024.06-2025.12.
n 国家社会科学基金项目,中国企业智慧供应链战略研究, 20BGL115, 2021.01-2023.12.
n 甘肃省电科院委托项目,适应新型电力系统的涉网安全管理机制研究,2022.08-2022.12