Academic News
【学术报告】钱志峰博士生:Strategic Sourcing Under Process Innovation for Remanufacturing in a Competitive Market with Capacity Limited
报告题目:Strategic Sourcing Under Process Innovation for Remanufacturing in a Competitive Market with Capacity Limited
主 持 人:张芸荣 青年研究员
报 告 人:钱志峰 博士生
报告地点:腾讯会议 (会议ID:566-427-713)
Growing demand and shortage of raw materials can result capacity limited. Remanufacturing is an effective way to alleviate the problem of capacity limited. However, emerging technology products such as EV power batteries are facing technical difficulties in the remanufacturing process such as disassembly and extraction, resulting in low remanufacturability. Process innovation for remanufacturing (PIR) is an important way to solve technical problems in remanufacturing process. Under the context of coopetition in a supply chain, new entrants are faced with the strategic choice of whether they should purchase critical components from their competitors. In this paper, three game models of duopoly competition are constructed: Non-cooperation, Loose-cooperation, and Formal-cooperation. The optimal PIR investment strategy and sourcing strategy are analyzed. We also identify conditions under which the entrant manufacturer cooperates with the incumbent and jointly invests in PIR.
钱志峰,男,电子科技大学经济与管理学院博士研究生,主要从事绿色供应链运作与管理、供应链运作与营销科学的交叉问题研究,多项研究成果发表在International Journal of Production Research、Annals of Operations Research、Technology Analysis & Strategic Management、Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research等期刊,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目等。
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[2] Chai J, Qian Z*, Wang F, Zhu J. Process innovation for green product in a closed loop supply chain with remanufacturing[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 2021: 1-25.
Qian Z, Chai J, Li H, Yan W, Chen H. Should OEMs outsource remanufacturing to retailers?[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 37(05): 2050017.