Academic News
主 题: Is auditors’ migration status associated with their performance?
主讲人:李 超 讲师
主持人:孙俊勤 讲师
时 间:2023年3月10日(周五)早上09:00-11:00
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
In this study, we investigate whether migrating auditors perform varying quality audits from local auditors by linking university graduates’ migration decisions when they enter the job market to the audit quality they deliver. Moving from more (less) to less (more) economically developed regions are termed as upward (downward) migration. Using data from China, we find that upward (downward) migration auditors are associated with higher (lower) audit quality, relative to local graduates. Investors and clients appear to differentiate audit quality associated with migrating auditors. Upward migrating graduates are more successful in their career development. Overall, the results are consistent with the salience bias hypothesis that employers over-weight the inability (ability) of upward (downward) migration graduates, which helps select high (low) ability upward (downward) migration auditors.
李超 (Dr. Chao Kevin Li) ,新南威尔士大学资深讲师,博士毕业于墨尔本大学,在Management Science(UTD 24)、Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory(A刊)、Journal of Corporate Finance(A刊)、Journal of Accounting and Public Policy(A刊)、European Accounting Review(A刊)等期刊发表多篇论文,在会计与金融、审计、公司治理领域均有研究,发表论文获得多个媒体报道。现任中国注册会计师协会非执业会员(CPA)、英国会计协会非执业会员(ACCA)、美国会计协会会员,Accounting and Finance(SSCI)责任主编,Journal of Accounting and Public Policy期刊编委,以及多个国际期刊审稿人。