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文章来源:科研办公室 作者:黄倩文 柳武妹 审核:刘亚军 发布时间:2023年04月25日 点击数: 字号:【



主持人:柳武妹 教授

时   间:2023年4月28日(周五)19:00-22:00

地   点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204

主讲人一:李志远 副教授



主讲人二:王洪鹏 副教授

讲座主题:Effects of Streaming Service Mix on Live Commerce: Evidence from Streamer-Side Service Strategies and Viewer-Side Traffic Flows

内容简介:Recent developments in the social media industry have caused the robust growth of platforms’ streaming service mix (SSM), typified by short-form video and live streaming services. However, the tangible impacts of the two prevalent streaming services remain underexplored. We devise three complementary studies to explore the effects of SSM. Study 1 uses exploratory analyses to determine how short-form videos either with or without product promotions interact with live streams, showing that positive synergy and negative cannibalization effects coexist. Study 2 evaluates multiple sources of incoming traffic, revealing the underlying mechanisms behind the overall nonsignificant effects of SSM; specifically, despite viewers from live streaming squares (i.e., organic traffic) being likely to make purchase decisions when watching sales live streams, attracting viewers from favorite pages (i.e., direct traffic) generates a stronger conversion rate. Inflows from short video recommendations (i.e., referral traffic) are ineffective until viewers add streamers to their favorites. Study 3 tests whether these impacts vary across moment-to-moment competitions. Our findings demonstrate that the success of live stream selling relies more on traffic pathway efficacy (i.e., visit-to-purchase conversion) than on streaming service strategy (i.e., different formats of short videos combined with live streams).

主讲人三:翁鸿涛 老师

