Academic News
题 目:I (Don’t) Feel You! Social Media, Constituent Identification, and How Social Disapproval Diffuses across Borders(我(无法)感同身受!社交媒体、民众认同与社会批评跨国扩散)
主讲人:王欣然 助理教授
主持人:吴建祖 教授
时 间:2023年7月28日(周五)14:30-16:30
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
We develop a nuanced framework to explain how firm social disapproval on social media can diffuse from a local issue to one of global consequence. First, we theorize that event-country constituents’ disapproval drives the velocity and intensity of foreign constituents’ social disapproval toward a firm. We then argue that foreign constituents’ type of identification with event-country constituents moderates this relationship in different ways, depending on whether they empathize with, gloat over, or are indifferent to event-country constituents’ concerns. We test our hypotheses by synthesizing information from multiple sources, including over 91 million Twitter and blog posts from 38 event countries and 53 foreign countries. Our results largely support our predictions. Together, our theory and findings redirect social media and social evaluations research to address the heterogeneity of constituents’ evaluations of firm actions. We also extend traditional diffusion arguments to include distinct patterns of social disapproval diffusion on social media that are moderated by the type of identification constituents feel toward each other. Finally, we broaden international management research by showing how the type of identification among constituents can affect perceptions of multinational firms.
王欣然博士是纽约市立大学巴鲁克学院(Baruch College,CUNY)Zicklin商学院管理系的Tenure-track助理教授。博士毕业于田纳西大学Haslam商学院的管理与创业系,硕士毕业于兰州大学管理学院。研究领域涉及企业形象管理、企业危机管理、企业名誉维护和媒体公关等在跨国战略中的应用。学术研究成果发表在Academy of Management Review (管理学Top 5),Journal of Business Ethics (Financial Time 45)等学术期刊。研究获得多项国际知名研究奖项,包括:战略管理学会(Strategic Management Society)的最佳论文、最佳战略行为研究论文、最佳博士论文;美国管理学会(Academy of Management)最佳论文、最佳学生论文、最佳实践贡献论文;牛津大学企业名誉研究中心最佳博士论文等。