Academic News
至公会计论坛第33期:马来西亚理科大学Kok Fong See副教授
应管理学院运营与财务管理研究所季培楠青年研究员邀请,马来西亚理科大学Kok Fong See副教授将于我院举办学术讲座。欢迎感兴趣的师生积极参加!
主 题:Measuring airlines performance using a two-stage dynamic network DEA model in the presence of innovation capital(航空公司创新资本与绩效:动态网络数据包络分析模型研究)
主讲人:Kok Fong See 副教授
主持人:季培楠 青年研究员
时 间:2023年9月8日(周五)09:00-11:00
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
Innovation plays a crucial role in airlines' pursuit of a sustainable competitive advantage. This study aims to examine the efficiency of global airlines by incorporating innovation capital. To address these concerns, this paper develops a dynamic network DEA model that takes into account the interconnectedness between airlines' internal processes and the carry-over effects across different time periods. By incorporating the dynamic impact of shared carry-over items, the model enables accurate computation of efficiency scores for these two substructures. The airline operation system is divided into two stages: the production subprocess and the service subprocess, where intertemporal shared innovation capital takes place. The results reveal that the airline production stage contributes the most to overall efficiency compared to the sales stage. In terms of endogenous weights, the alliance group places greater emphasis on the production stage, while the non-alliance group prioritizes the sales stage. The proposed approach offers valuable assistance to airline managers, regulators, and policymakers in reliably measuring performance and enhancing airline efficiency and sustainability.
Kok Fong See,马来西亚理科大学(USM)的副教授。首尔国立大学(SNU)技术管理、经济与政策项目的访问学者,德国不来梅城市应用科学大学(CUAS)交通与发展学院的研究员。他的研究主要是生产力与效率分析。获得过享有盛誉的2019-2022年的富布赖特奖(Fulbright Award)和澳大利亚教育和培训部颁发的2017-2018年奋进研究奖(Endeavour Research Fellowship)。他的众多研究成果发表于JCR一区期刊,包括Energy Economics, Energy Policy, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Journal of Cleaner Production, Aquaculture, Reviews in Aquaculture, Economics Analysis and Policy, Health Care Management Science, 和 Utilities Policy等。在过去的十年里,曾在多所大学担任访问学者,包括马萨诸塞大学、首尔国立大学、(德国)城市应用科学大学、昆士兰大学、台湾大学、东吴大学和内蒙古大学等。