Academic News
报告题目(英文):Perceived Congruity, Psychological Contract, and Support Provision of Live Streaming Viewers: Toward a Dual Process Model
主 持 人:雷文婧 博 士
报 告 人:张 岩 博士后
直播中,观众通常会为主播提供两种不同类型的支持(support),即经济支持(financial support)和情感支持(emotional support)。以往的研究表明,功能属性是观众提供支持的主要动机。然而,这些研究忽略了观众本身的价值表达诉求。本研究采用双重一致性(dual-congruity)视角,指出功能一致性和自我一致性对观众支持提供都至关重要。此外,本研究还指出,心理契约作为中介机制,可以解释功能一致性和自我一致性如何影响观众的支持提供。具体而言,交易型契约对功能一致性的影响起到中介作用,而关系型契约则对自我一致性的影响起到中介作用。最后,交易型契约和关系型契约在观众经济支持和情感支持提供上存在不对称效应。通常,交易型契约对经济支持影响更大,而关系型契约则对情感支持影响更大。
Live streaming viewers offer both financial and emotional support to the streamer. Prior studies indicate functional attributes are core motivations for support provision, which overlooks viewers’ value-expressive appeals. This study takes a dual-congruity perspective and indicates that both functional congruity and self-congruity are vital to support provision. This study then explains how congruity works through identifying psychological contract as the underlying mechanism. Concretely, transactional contract mediates effects of functional congruity while relational contract mediates impacts of self-congruity. Transactional contract and relational contract have asymmetry effects on financial and emotional support provision. An analysis of online survey data supports all hypotheses.
张岩,女,兰州大学管理学院公共管理博士后,武汉大学管理学和香港城市大学哲学双学位博士,主要从事技术压力、电子商务、知识管理等领域的研究,多项研究成果发表在Information Technology & People, Industrial Management & Data Analysis, Library Hi Tech, Aslib Journal of Information Management等期刊及PACIS等国际会议,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目。
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[2] Zhang, Y., Sun, Y. Q., and Wang, N., 2023. " Understanding the Determinants of Gifting and Social Sharing in Live Streaming: A Dual-Attachment Perspective", Industrial Management & Data Systems, pp. 1-19.