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张岩,武汉大学-香港城市大学联合培养博士,兰州大学管理学院青年研究员,研究领域为技术采纳及使用过程中存在的风险问题,如技术抵制、技术压力和技术安全等。研究成果发表在Information Technology & People, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Library Hi Tech等期刊。
Zhang, Y., Wang, N., and Sun, Y. Q. 2023. "Understanding the Determinants of Technology Upgrade: An Integration of Retrospective and Prospective Perspectives", Information Technology & People, pp.1-23.
Zhang, Y., Sun, Y. Q., and Wang, N., 2023. " Understanding the Determinants of Gifting and Social Sharing in Live Streaming: A Dual-Attachment Perspective", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1-19.
Feng, Y. F., Zhang, Y.*, Li, L. F. 2023. "Collective Impression Management and Collective Privacy Concerns in Co-Owned Information Disclosure: The Mediating Role of Relationship Support and Relationship Risk", Library Hi Tech.
Sha Y. Z., Zhang, Y. B. and Zhang, Y. 2024. “How Safety Accountability Impacts the Safety Performance of Safety Managers: A Moderated Mediating Model”, Journal of Safety Research.
Sun, Y. Q., Zhang, Y., Shen, X. L., Wang, N., Zhang, X., and Wu, Y. Q. 2018. "Understanding the Trust Building Mechanisms in Social Media: Regulatory Effectiveness, Trust Transfer, and Gender Difference," Aslib Journal of Information Management (70:5), pp. 498-517.
Zhang, Y., Wang, N., and Sun, Y. Q. 2021. "Shackled to the Past or Open to The Future? An Inertia-Mindfulness Ambidexterity Perspective of Technology," Twenty-fifth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE.
Hu, Y. X., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y. Q. 2021. "Specialty Is Not Always Useful: Investigating Curvilinear and Moderating Effects," Twenty-fifth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE.
唐旭丽,张斌,张岩. 2018. "在线健康社区用户的信息采纳意愿研究——基于健康素养和信任 的视角," 信息资源管理学报(8:03), pp. 102-112
国家自然科学基金面上项目“维基情景下的治理模式、知识属性与知识整合:基于匹配 理论与构建理论的视角”,2020/01-2023/12(批准号:71974148)