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20周年院庆系列学术活动 | 管理理论前沿系列讲座第114期:浙江大学管理学院曹仔科副教授
Effects of Autonomous Algorithmic Moderation on User Content Contribution: A Natural Experiment in an Online Knowledge-Sharing Community
主 讲 人:曹仔科 副教授
主 持 人:王洪鹏 副教授
时 间:2024年8月6日(星期二) 9:30-11:30
地 点:兰州大学城关校区(西区)齐云楼204教室
Online digital platforms are increasingly relying on algorithms to perform platform governance. We study a growing application of algorithms in platform governance: autonomous algorithmic content moderation. Platforms thriving on user-generated content (UGC) commonly deploy sophisticated algorithms to screen content uploaded by users for the purpose of filtering out low-quality content. By exploiting a natural experiment occurred in a large online question-and-answer (Q&A) community, we find that the introduction of an autonomous algorithmic content moderation system significantly decreased the volumes of answers contributed by users, while the average quality of the contributed answers improved after the algorithm’s introduction, as reflected in the number of vote-ups received, usage of cognitive language and text readability. Our findings demonstrate that the implementation of autonomous algorithmic moderation system could be a double-edged sword for platform governance: on the one hand, the deterrence power of the algorithmic content moderation inhibits users’ incentives to generate new content (i.e., a deterrence effect); on the other hand, users are motivated to spend more efforts curating higher-quality content (i.e., a displacement effect). We also document significant heterogeneity in users’ responses: among users who were indeed punished by the moderation algorithm only the deterrence effect is observed but not the displacement effect, while among users who were not punished by the moderation algorithm both the deterrence and displacement effects are observed; moreover, less active users were not subject to the deterrence effect and both the volumes and quality of their content contributions showed a small but significant increase after the deployment of the moderation algorithm. An additional online experiment is conducted to corroborate the empirical findings and provide direct evidence of the underlying mechanisms. Our findings provide important implications for online platforms that use, or consider using, algorithms to perform autonomous platform governance.
曹仔科,浙江大学管理学院长聘副教授,博士生导师,获香港科技大学资讯系统 (Information Systems) 博士学位,浙江大学信息管理与信息系统学士学位。研究方向主要为在线用户行为决策分析和在线社区平台治理策略。多篇论文发表于Information Systems Research (UTD24期刊), MIS Quarterly (UTD24期刊),Journal of Management Information Systems (FT50期刊) 等顶级期刊。博士论文获得2017年度INFORMS信息系统协会Nunamaker-Chen博士论文奖并列第二名 (second runner-up)。研究论文获得2021年度INFORMS电子商务领域 (eBusiness Section) 最佳论文奖第一名 (winner)。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和优秀青年项目。