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管理理论前沿系列讲座第40期:法国南特高等商学院 Christos Apostolakis副教授
应可持续发展与环境管理研究所所长吴建祖教授邀请,法国南特高等商学院Christos Apostolakis副教授将来我院举办讲座。欢迎感兴趣的师生参加!
主题:Two ways of seeing the World today
- Local level: Strategic Planning and Public Private Partnerships are fit-for-purpose
- Global Level: Belt and Road Initiative in a Globalized world: Collaboration as a Tool for Integration
主讲人:Christos Apostolakis 副教授
主持人:赵雁海 副教授
时 间:4月16日(星期五)晚上19:00-21:00
地 点:兰州大学医学校区杏林楼管理学院第一教室
We live in a strategically complicated but also synthesized world. The role of strategic thinking proves to be paramount for organizations to survive and prosper. At the local level there is an extremely interesting process taking place that influences communities socially, politically and economically. In this light, strategic planning has been an essential tool for all three sectors organizations. It transfers the core goals or policies into action in a cohesive whole. It usually deals with the general principles for achieving the objectives (why the organization has chosen this particular route). Involving the organization in strategy formulation resolves the handover issue between formulation and deployment.
At the global level, the Belt and Road initiative has been China’s suggestion to the world! Because the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by only one country—China, there was a perception that a state-centered economic perspective should be employed in order to understand it. However, this perspective is inadequate to grasp this project simply because it has been designed to involve actors other than nation-states in at least 60 countries. Taking into account its globalization logic, the Belt and Road Initiative should be considered as part of a process, because this is its relevance: Global and involving multiple agents at different levels.
Christos Apostolakis,法国南特高等商学院副教授;德蒙福特大学莱斯特商学院战略与公共管理博士、约克大学公共管理硕士、普利茅斯大学国际商务硕士。研究兴趣包括战略管理、社会企业家精神、协作和公私伙伴关系等;主要讲授当代管理学问题、宏观经济学、跨文化沟通等课程。现就职于南特高商与西南财经大学合作办学本科教育项目。