Academic News
主 题:Cognitive Aspects of Complex Information Analysis and their implications to human-machine collaboration. (信息分析中的认知科学和人机协作)
主讲人:蔡国瑞 副教授(终身教职)
主持人:柴国荣 教 授
时 间:2023年6月8日(星期四)下午15:00-18:00
地 点:兰州大学城关校区(西区)齐云楼204会议室
Data analysis for problem-solving is a complex process. It involves integration of two subprocesses through interactive visual interfaces: (1) an analytic tools computational analytics (the visualization of both raw and derived data) and (2) an analytical process which requires a human to extract knowledge from the data by directly interacting and manipulating both the visual and analytical components of the system. These two types of analytics are complementary. This talk is to understand interplay between the two. We discuss how a study of human reasoning and reasoning-supported cognitive processes complement the current emphasis on computational analysis and visualization. We define this process as reasoning analytics and present mechanisms by which this process may be studied and supported through the design of visual analytic tools.
研究兴趣涵盖信息科学、信息处理与检索、人机交互、信息可视化、协同工作环境等领域。曾主持和参与若干重大项目,包括“基于语言和手势的人-机对话式地理信息虚拟环境”(美国NSF),“知识密集信息可视话与分析推”(美国国土安全部),“中-美数字政府合作项目:基于地理信息的部门协同应急管理”(中国NSF和美国NSF),以及“利用地理信息与遥感技术建模研究植被与全球气候变化的动态关系”(美国宇航局)等。最近的工作主要聚焦于开发视觉介导的多模态交互技术,以实现地理信息协作危机管理(美国NSF)。蔡国瑞教授在Proceedings of IEEE,International Journal of Geographical Information Science,Transactions in GIS,Geoinformatics,Environment and Planning B等国际学术期刊发表近70篇学术论文,是ACM,IEEE和ASPRS的成员。