Academic News
题 目:The Pitfalls of Review Solicitation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment on TripAdvisor(征集评论的风险:来自TripAdvisor自然实验的证据)
主讲人:高宝俊 教 授
主持人:吴建祖 教 授
时 间:2023年7月4日(周二)14:30-16:30
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼501-503教室
This study examines the effect of firms’ participation in platform-endorsed review solicitation programs on consumers’ online review generation. We leverage a natural experiment on TripAdvisor, which launched a review solicitation program that allows hotels to collect reviews directly from guests after their stays with the aid of certified connectivity partners. Applying a two-stage difference-in-differences approach to a panel dataset of online reviews for a matched set of hotels across TripAdvisor and Expedia, we find that hotels’ participation in the review solicitation program results in a 33.9% increase in review volume, a 0.151 increase in review rating, but a 16.8% decrease in review length. Review solicitation, however, generates a negative spillover effect on the volume of organic reviews. Specifically, the volume of organic reviews is reduced by 15.8% after hotels start soliciting reviews. We provide evidence that the motivational crowding-out effect plays an important role in driving this negative spillover. Further analyses reveal that the effects of review solicitation are heterogeneous with respect to hotels of different types and consumers of different demographic and behavioral characteristics. Finally, using a novel structural topic model, we detect a significant shift in review content from specific and concrete topics to general and abstract topics. Our findings suggest that review platforms and firms should be cautious about the unintended negative consequences of review solicitation on consumers’ review generation.
高宝俊,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授,博士生导师,管理科学与工程系主任,管理科学与数据分析研究所所长,商业数据分析硕士项目主任。从事商业大数据分析、数字化平台管理、信息系统与电子商务方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社科项目等国家级项目六项;出版专著三部,在Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Tourism Management等国际国内知名期刊上发表论文五十余篇,研究成果获得省级科技进步二等奖,省级人文社科一等奖等奖励。