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应管理学院运营与财务管理研究所王康周教授和可持续发展与环境管理研究所何丽红教授邀请,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校Naveen Jindal管理学院胡斌教授将于我院举办学术讲座。欢迎感兴趣的师生积极参加!
题 目:Battery as a Service: Flexible Electric Vehicle Battery Leasing(电池即服务:电动汽车灵活电池租赁)
主讲人:胡 斌 教 授
主持人:王康周 教 授
时 间:2023年7月12日(周三)10:00-12:00
地 点:城关校区(西区)齐云楼204
We study flexible electric vehicle (EV) battery leasing enabled by a swappable battery design, where customers lease their primary batteries and can temporarily up/downgrade to different capacities for peak usage. We consider two scenarios, one representing the current market where flexible battery leasing is an emerging innovation and the battery supply is relatively tight, and the other representing the potential future market where flexible battery leasing is a common practice and the battery supply is ample. In both scenarios, we investigate whether and when profit-maximizing flexible battery leasing reduces total customer cost and/or total battery capacity compared with simple battery leasing, both of which are crucial for flexible battery leasing’s viability. Adopting a game-theoretical model, we find that, in both current and future markets, profit-maximizing flexible battery leasing can simultaneously reduce total customer cost and total battery capacity, thus benefiting customers and the environment as well as the manufacturer. This win-win-win outcome tends to occur when the battery cost is intermediate and the battery range is sufficiently large— both of which are likely in practice. In addition, such win-win-win outcomes may occur for high battery costs in the future but not the current market. These findings point to flexible battery leasing’s likely viability in terms of customer value and environmental impact in both current and future markets. They provide strategic support for EV manufacturers’ potential adoption of the swappable battery design and the Battery-as-a-Service model, and may inform their operating policies to implement flexible battery leasing.
胡斌,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校Naveen Jindal管理学院的运营管理教授。2011年获得密歇根大学工商管理博士学位,2005年获得北京大学数学学士学位。在2018年加入达拉斯大学之前,他曾在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校任教。研究兴趣是供应链管理、采购和采购以及创新运营。他的研究主要采用经济学解析模型、博弈论模型以及优化模型。在国际顶刊MS、MSOM和POM发表论文近20篇,目前担任Management Science和Naval Research Logistics副主编、Production and Operations Management高级编辑。