Academic News
报告题目:Scaling up electric-vehicle battery swapping services in cities: A joint location and repairable-inventory model
主 持 人:钱志峰 青年研究员
报 告 人:张宁威 博 士
报告地点:腾讯会议 (会议ID:717-131-228)
The development of new energy vehicles is an essential step for China to move from a large automobile country to an automotive powerhouse. The battery-swapping electric vehicles have bright prospects due to their advantages, such as swiftness of refueling and safety battery charging management. However, as the swapping demands increase, the operations of electric vehicle battery swapping service networks (EVBSSNs) are facing the challenges of swapping demand uncertainty, grid accessibility, high service quality requirement, etc. In this presentation, we focus on the location and inventory management problems of centralized EVBSSNs to deal with the challenges. In the centralized EVBSSNs, the swapped-off batteries at swapping stations are delivered to centralized charging stations to be recharged, and the fully-charged batteries are then delivered to the swapping stations to meet the forthcoming swapping demands. We model the operation process of the swapping stations and charging stations in the centralized EVBSSNs, and analyze the requirements of spare batteries under uncertain swapping demands. Based on the analysis results, we formulate joint location-inventory models for the centralized EVBSSNs. We also develop efficient exact algorithms by exploiting the submodularity and separability of the models. Then, we conduct numerical experiments based on real-world data, and provide suggestions on the designs of EVBSSNs and the selection between distributed and centralized EVBSSNs.
张宁威,男,北京理工大学博士,主要从事供应链管理、运营管理等领域的研究,多项研究成果发表在Management Science、IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering、Journal of Energy Storage、《工业工程与管理》等期刊,参与科技部重点研发计划科技创新2030、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点和面上等多项项目。
[1] Qi Wei#, Zhang Yuli#*, Zhang Ningwei, “Scaling up electric-vehicle battery swapping services in cities: A joint location and repairable-inventory model”, Management Science, Online 2023.
[2] Zhang Ningwei, Zhang Yuli*, Song Shiji, Chen C. L. Philip, “A review of robust machine scheduling”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Online 2023.
[3] Zhang Ningwei, Zhang Yuli*, Ran Lun, Liu Peng, Guo Yue, “Robust location and sizing of electric vehicle battery swapping stations considering users’ choice behaviors”, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022.