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20周年院庆系列学术活动 | 管理理论前沿系列讲座第101期:美国阿拉巴马大学商学院鲍勇川副教授

文章来源:科研办公室 作者:南美文 审核:刘亚军 发布时间:2024年06月26日 点击数: 字号:【


主   题:管理层离职与企业绩效:管理层自由裁量权的作用(TMT Turnover and Firm Performance: The Role of Managerial Discretion)

主讲人:鲍勇川  副教授

主持人:吕冲冲  青年研究员

时   间:2024年6月27日  9:00-12:00

地   点:兰州大学城关校区逸夫楼114室



As top management team (TMT) members are the decision makers shaping the outcomes of firm strategy, this study aims to investigate the relationships between TMT turnover and the effectiveness of pursuing growth-oriented and profit-oriented strategy, as well as the contingency of such relationships on managerial discretion forces. We develop a research model that illustrates the distinct impacts of TMT turnover on implementation of such strategies, and the opposite moderating effects of various managerial discretion factors. The analysis results support our propositions and make substantial contributions to TMT turnover studies and the managerial discretion literature.


Yongchuan (Kevin) Bao, 美国阿拉巴马大学商学院管理、市场营销和信息管理系副教授,复旦大学经济学学士、南加州大学经济学与城市规划硕士、工商管理博士。Industrial Marketing Management和Journal of Business Research期刊编委会成员。学术研究领域包括产品创新、企业家精神和B2B营销等,研究成果发表于Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (FT 50)、Industrial Marketing Management、Information Systems Journal、Journal of Business Research、IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management、Marketing Letters、International Business Review、Psychology & Marketing等营销与管理学领域国际权威期刊,其研究成果的谷歌引用次数2045(H指数17)。担任IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,Journal of Product Innovation Management,Industrial Marketing Management,Journal of Business Research等期刊审稿专家。

Yongchuan (Kevin) Bao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing, and Information Systems at the University of Alabama in Huntsville College of Business. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Fudan University, a Master’s degree in Economics and Urban Planning from the University of Southern California, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration. He is a member of the editorial review board for the journals Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business Research. His research interests focus on product innovation, entrepreneurship, and B2B marketing. His work has been published in prestigious journals including the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (FT 50), Industrial Marketing Management, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Marketing Letters, International Business Review, and Psychology & Marketing, among others. His research has been cited over 2045 times on Google Scholar, with an H-index of 17. Kevin Bao also serves as a peer reviewer for journals such as IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and Journal of Business Research.