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杨利雄,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,萃英学者。主要研究领域包括公司财务、金融计量、经济大数据与机器学习理论方法等相关研究领域。(学术主页:https://github.com/lixiongyang 和 https://gitee.com/YangLixiong)

       近年来,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、重点项目子课题,国家社会科学重大项目子课题、中央高校基金项目等科研项目多项。主要研究成果以第一作者或唯一作者发表于国内外著名期刊,Econometrics Journal, Econometric Reviews, Journal of International Money and Finance , Journal of Time Series Analysis, Economics Letters, Applied Economics, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics , Empirical Economics, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,《统计研究》、《中国管理科学》、《系统工程理论与实践》等。

     担任《经济学季刊》、《中国管理科学》、《管理学报》、Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Banking and Finance、Economics Letters、Empirical Economics、Journal of International Money and Finance、Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics、Applied Economics Letters等多个国内外知名期刊审稿人,担任国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金等项目通讯评审专家。


出版教材(入选首批“十四五”普通高等教育本科省级规划教材):《计量经济学-基于stata应用》,清华大学出版社,2024.01. 勘误表:https://github.com/lixiongyang/errata-of-econometrics





















 2009.9-2014.3  西安交通大学   博士

 2005.9-2009.7  四川大学   学士




2017. 陕西省优秀博士学位论文奖, 陕西省教育厅。

2016. 西安交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖,西安交通大学研究生院。



出版教材(入选首批“十四五”普通高等教育本科省级规划教材):《计量经济学-基于stata应用》,清华大学出版社,2024.01. 勘误表:https://github.com/lixiongyang/errata-of-econometrics

一、 英文期刊论文

     ☆ Lixiong Yang, I-Po Chen, Chingnun Lee, Mingjian Ren. Panel threshold model with covariate-dependent thresholds and unobserved individual-specific threshold effects. Econometric Reviews, 2024, accepted.

      Lixiong Yang, Mingjian Ren, Jianming Bai. Threshold mixed data sampling logit model with an application to forecasting U.S. bank failuresEmprical Economics , 2024, accepted.

       Lixiong Yang, Ho-Chuan Huang. Adjustment speed of psychological anchors:
a comparative study of the G7 and BRIC stock markets
[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 2024: 1-9.


     Lixiong Yang, Liangyan Yao, Jianzu Wu. Is there a state-dependent optimal interval for firms’ R&D investment? Evidence from China[J]. Applied Economics , 2024: 1-15.

         Lixiong Yang, Liangyan Yao, Yanli Xie. Panel kink threshold model with multiple covariate-dependent thresholds[J]. Applied Economics Letters , 2024: 1-4.

        ☆   Lixiong Yang, Hujie Bai, Mingjian Ren. Threshold Quantile Regression Neural Network[J]. Applied Economics Letters , 2023.

         Lixiong Yang. Panel threshold model with covariate-dependent thresholds and its application to the cash flow/investment relationship. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics , 2023, accepted.

      ☆ Lixiong YangVaraible selection in threshold model with a covariate-dependent threshold. Empirical Economics , 2022, accepted.


     ☆ Lixiong Yang.  High Dimensional Threshold Model With a Time-Varying Threshold Based on Fourier Approximation. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 2022, accepted.


   ☆ Lixiong Yang, ChunliZhang.  Threshold Mixed Data Sampling Models with a Covariate-Dependent Threshold. Appllied Economics Letters , 2022, accepted.

  ☆ Lixiong YangTime-varying threshold cointegration with an application to the Fisher hypothesis. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics , 2021, accepted.

   ☆ Lixiong YangThreshold Mixed Data Sampling (TMIDAS) Regression  Models with an Application to GDP Forecast Errors. Empirical Economics ,2021, accepted.

☆WeiLili, Chunli Zhang, Jen-Je Su, Lixiong Yang. Panel threshold spatial Durbin models with individual fixed effects. Economics Letters,2021, (forthcoming)

   ☆ Yang L, Zhang C, Lee C, Chen I-P. Panel kink threshold regression with a covariate-dependent threshold [J]. Econometrics Journal, 2020, forthcoming(https://doi.org/10.1093/ectj/utaa035).


   ☆ Yang L, Lee C, Chen I-P. Threshold model with a time-varying threshold based on Fourier approximation [J]. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2020, forthcoming. (https://doi.org/10.1111/jtsa.12574)

☆ Lixiong Yang. State-dependent biases and the quality of China's preliminary GDP announcements[J]. Empirical Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2020, 59pages26632687.

☆ Lixiong Yang. Regression discontinuity designs with state-dependent unknown discontinuity points: Estimation and testing[J].Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2019, 23(2):1-18.
☆ Lixiong Yang, Jen-Je Su. Debt and growth: Is there a constant tipping point?[J]. Journal of International Money and Finance(SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2018, 87:133-143.
☆ Lixiong Yang, Chingnun Lee and Jen-Je Su. Behavior of the Standard Dickey-Fuller Test When There is a Fourier-Form Break Under the Null Hypothesis[J]. Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2017, (forthcoming).
 ☆Lixiong Yang. An Assessment on the quality of China's Preliminary Data of Quarterly GDP Announcements [J]. Applied Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2017, 49:5558-5569.
☆ Chingnun Lee, J-L Wu and Lixiong Yang. A Simple Panel Unit-Root Test with Smooth Breaks in the Presence of a Multifactor Error Structure[J].Oxford Bulletin Economics and Statistics(SSCI, ABS Grade 3),2016, 3(78): 365-393.
 ☆Lixiong Yang, Chingnun Lee and Fushun Shie. How close a relationship does a capital market have with other such capital markets? A reexamination based on the equal variance test[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal(SSCI, ABS Grade 2),2014 (26):198-226.
二、 CSSCI  期刊论文



[21] 杨利雄.基于傅里叶近似的时变门槛拐点回归模型及其应用[J].数理统计与管理, 2020,已录用.

[20] 杨利雄,李庆男. 永久性结构变化下 Dickey-Fuller 检验的伪拒绝研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2020,已录用.

[19] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男. 中国季度 GDP 核算数据质量研究[J]. 统计与信息论坛,2020,35(02):3-9.

[18]张春丽, 杨利雄,李庆男.门槛存在性Bootstrap检验有限样本性质的蒙特卡洛模拟分析[J].统计与决策,2019,3504:37-40.

[17] 杨利雄,李庆男.我国的通货膨胀与名义利率粘性:长期与短期费雪效应[J].中国管理科学,2019,2702:1-8.

[16] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.时变门槛设定下门槛回归模型有限样本性质的模拟分析[J].统计与决策,2019,3521:9-12.

[15] 杨利雄,李庆男.基于傅里叶变换的时变参数回归模型:估计、设定检验和实证应用[J].统计与信息论坛,2018,3302:10-16.

[14] 杨利雄,张春丽.研发回报率、地方政府研发支出与经济增长的统计考察[J].统计与决策,2018,3412:119-122.

[13] 杨利雄,张春丽.中国季度 GDP 初步核算数据质量的评估[J].统计与决策,2018,3414:5-9.

[12] 杨利雄,张春丽.基于时变参数模型的中国研发投入回报率估算[J].统计与决策,2017,01:98-101.

[11] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.平稳的平滑转移自回归过程之间的虚假回归问题研究[J].统计与决策,2017,06:15-19.

[10] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.含非线性的平稳变量之间的虚假回归研究[J].统计与信息论坛,2016,3101:18-24.

[9] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.基于傅里叶变换的含异质性结构突变的面板单位根检验[J].统计研究,2016,3302:86-90.

[8] 杨利雄,张春丽,刘光建.等均值检验:一种考虑横截面相关的检验方法[J].统计与决策,2016,07:18-21.

[7]张春丽, 杨利雄,李庆男.傅里叶型平滑结构突变下 Dickey-Fuller 检验的功效——兼论 Shibor 的平稳性[J].统计与信息


[6] 杨利雄,李庆男.协整模型的“协整度”:等方差检验和其有限样本表现[J].统计与决策,2014,04:27-30.

[5] 杨利 雄 ,张春丽.基于傅里叶变换的 含确定性 趋 势结构突变的 协整回归 模 型和不等方差 检验[J].统计研


[4] 杨利雄,李庆男.中国股市与国际股市联动关系的密切程度[J].山西财经大学学报,2013,3503:22-32.

[3] 杨利雄,李庆男.中国经济的区域影响力超过日本了吗——基于不等方差检验的一种衡量方法[J].南方经


[2] 杨利雄,张春丽,李庆男.平滑结构突变下 Dickey-Fuller 检验的大样本行为[J].统计研究,2013,3011:103-108.

[1] 杨利雄.IPO 锁定期、信息生产和效率[J].南方经济,2013,11:60-73.









中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,18LZUJBWZY010, 状态依赖门槛模型及其应用,主持人。