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兰州大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,二级教授,兰州大学首批萃英学者(四级)、三级萃英学者。西安交通大学管理学博士、管理科学与工程博士后。甘肃省领军人才(2023),甘肃省飞天学者特聘教授(2022),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划获得者(2013)。中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院访问学者(2013.8-2014.1)、美国西华盛顿大学访问学者(2017.8-2018.8)。担任Nature子刊Scientific Data编委、《系统工程理论与实践》编委、《中国人口资源与环境》学术编辑。多篇论文入选ESI前1%高被引论文,17篇论文入选CNKI高被引、高下载论文。
科研项目:主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、重点专项项目、面上项目、青年项目和重点项目子课题各1项,主持国家社科基金重点项目、国家社科基金重大项目子课题、教育部人文社 科基金项目、博士后特别资助等项目10余项,参与国家社科基金重大项目、“十二五”规划前期重大问题、国家自然科学基金项目等科研项目10余项。主持国家电网重大、重点、一般管理类、开发类项目10余项。
[1]. Guoxing Zhang, Zhanglei Chen, Jiexun Li, Bin Su, Yang Gao, Lean Yu, Quantifying U.S. air pollution policy: How political and regional factors influence pollutant mitigation, PNAS Nexus, 2024;, pgae199, https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae199.
[2]. Guoxing Zhang, Yutao Wang, Zhenhua Zhang*, Bin Su. Can green finance policy promote green innovation in cities? Evidence frompilot zones for green finance reform and innovation in China[J].Journal of Environmental Management,Volume 370, November 2024, 122816.(ABS3星,IF:8.7)
[5].张国兴,高秀林,杨阳,余乐安,刘传斌.电力系统低碳转型的减排效应:基于结构优化的视角[J].管理评论,已录用. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[6]. Dong Cai, Guoxing Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Chunxiang Guo*, Bin Su. Government incentive contract design for carbon reduction innovation considering market value under asymmetric information. Energy Policy, 2024, 186: 114009. (ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[7]. Zhang, G., Shen, L., Su, B., 2023. Temperature change and daily urban-rural residential electricity consumption in northwestern China: Responsiveness and inequality[J]. Energy Econ.126, 106973.(ABS3星,IF:12.8)
[8].张国兴,韩继磊,Su Bin. 中国工业氮氧化物排放和强度的结构分解分析及其减排策略[J].中国管理科学,2024,32(7):311-323.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[9].张国兴,林伟纯,苏斌.通报负面典型案例能以儆效尤吗?[J].管理评论,2023 (9): 287-299. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[10].张国兴,林伟纯,苏斌.中央环保督察何以有效?—基于弱排名激励视角的实证分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2023 (5):60-74.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[11]. Yixiang Ma, Lean Yu, Guoxing Zhang, Zhiming Lu.Design of a multi-energy complementary scheduling scheme with uncertainty analysis of the source-load prediction[J].Electric Power Systems Research 220 (2023) 109268. (SCI,IF:3.9)
[12]. Yixiang Ma, Lean Yu, Guoxing Zhang, Zhiming Lu, Jiaqian Wu. Source-load uncertainty-based multi-objective multi-energy complementary optimal scheduling[J].Renewable Energy 219 (2023) 119483.(SCI,IF:8.7)
[13].Guanglei Yang, Dongqin Cao and Guoxing Zhang. How does industry-university-research collaborative innovation affect energy intensity in China: A novel explanation based on political turnover. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023, 10: 554.(SSCI,IF:3.5)
[14].Guanglei Yang, Guoxing Zhang, Dongqin Cao, Donglan Zha, Xiulin Gao and Bin Su. China’s provincial-level sustainable energy transition requires accelerating renewable energy technological innovation. Energy, 2023. Online.
[15].Guanglei Yang, Guoxing Zhang and Donglan Zha. 2023. Measuring the energy transition in Chinese provinces: a new comprehensive evaluation approach. Applied Economics. 2023. Online.
[16].Zhenhua Zhang, Yunzhou Shang, Guoxing Zhang, Shuai Shao, Jiayu Fang, Peixuan Li and Shunfeng Song. The pollution control effect of the atmospheric environmental policy in autumn and winter: Evidence from the daily data of Chinese cities. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 343: 118164. (ABS3星,IF:8.7)
[17].Zhenhua Zhang, Guoxing Zhang, Yi Hu, Yating Jiang, Cheng Zhou and Jiahui Ma. The evolutionary mechanism of haze collaborative governance: novel evidence from a tripartite evolutionary game model and a case study in China. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023, 10: 69. (SSCI,IF:3.5)
[18].Yan Nie, Guoxing Zhang, Luhao Zhong, Bin Su and Xi Xi . Urban‒rural disparities in household energy and electricity consumption under the influence of electricity price reform policies. Energy Policy, 2023. Online.(ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[19]. Zhenhua Zhang, Yunzhou Shang,Guoxing Zhang*, et al. The pollution control of the atmospheric environmental policy in autumn and winter: Evidence from the daily data of Chinese cities[J].Journal of Environmental Management, 2023,343:118164.(ABS3星,IF:8.7)
[20]. G.-X. Zhang, Y. Yang, B. Su, et al., Electricity production, power generation structure, and air pollution: A monthly data analysis for 279 cities in China(2015–2019)[J]. Energy Econ.120, 106597.(ABS3星,IF:12.8)
[21]. Guanglei Yang, Guoxing Zhang, Dongqin Cao, et al., China’s ambitious low-carbon goals require fostering city-level renewable energy transitions[J].iScience,Volume 26, Issue 3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.106263.(Cell子刊,IF:5.8)
[22]. Ibrahim Ahmed Eldowma, Guoxing Zhang , Bin Su.The nexus between electricity consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, and economic growth in Sudan (1971–2019)[J]. Energy Policy, 176 (2023) 113510. (ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[23]. Guoxing Zhang, Yang Gao, Jiexun Li, Bin Su, Zhanglei Chen, Weichun Lin. China’s environmental policy intensity for 1978–2019[J]. Scientific Data, 2022, 9(1): 75.(Nature子刊,IF:9.8)
[24]. Guoxing Zhang*, Jilei Han, Bin Su. Contributions of cleaner production and end-of-pipe treatment to NOx emissions and intensity reductions in China, 1997–2018[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 326: 116822.(ABS3星,IF:8.7)
[25]. Zhenhua Zhang, Guoxing Zhang*, Lili Li. The spatial impact of atmospheric environmental policy on public health based on the mediation effect of air pollution in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022: 1-17.
[26]. Zhenhua Zhang*, Guoxing Zhang*, Bin Su. The spatial impacts of air pollution and socio-economic status on public health: Empirical evidence from China[J]. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2022, 83: 101167.(ABS2星,IF:6.1)
[27].张国兴,温俊娜,林伟纯,等.城市群建设改善还是恶化了城市空气质量?------基于双重差分模型的实证检验[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2022, 42(5):1245--1259.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[28]. Guoxing Zhang*, Yuqi Jia, Bin Su*, Jing Xiu. Environmental regulation, economic development and air pollution in the cities of China: Spatial econometric analysi based on policy scoring and satellite data[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 328: 129496.(ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[29].Guoxing Zhang, Md Nuruzzaman*, Bin Su. Nexus between household energy consumption and economic growth in Bangladesh (1975–2018)[J]. Energy Policy, 2021, 156: 112420.(ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[35]. Guoxing Zhang, Wei Liu, Hongbo Duan. Environmental regulation policies, local government enforcement and pollution-intensive industry transfer in China[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering,148 (2020) 106748.
[36]. Yan Nie, Guoxing Zhang. Indicator system to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of China clean power systems[J].Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-020-09925-2
[37]. Yan Nie, Guoxing Zhang, Hongbo Duan.An interconnected panorama of future cross-regional power grid: A complex network approach[J]. Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101692.(ABS2星,IF:10.2)
[39].张国兴,刘薇. 多重环境规制对区域产业结构变动的时滞效应[J]. 管理科学学报,2020,23(9):95-107.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[40].张振华,张国兴,马亮,刘薇. 科技领域环境规制政策演进研究[J]. 科学学研究,2020,38(1):45-53.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[41]. Guoxing Zhang, Peide Zhang, Zhe George Zhang, Jiexun Li et al. The Impact of Environmental Regulations on Upgrading Industrial Structure: An Empirical Study on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in China[J]. Journal of cleaner production, Volume 238, 20 November 2019, 117848. (ABS2星,IF:11.1)
[42]. Guoxing Zhang, Nana Deng, Haizhen Mou, George Zhe Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen.The impact of the policy and behavior of public participation on environmental governance performance: Empirical analysis based on provincial panel data in China[J]. Energy policy, 2019(129):1347-1354. (ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[43]. Jing Xiu, Guoxing Zhang, Yi Hu. Which kind of directed technical change doer China’s economy have? From the perspective of energy-saving and low-carbon[J]. Journal of cleaner production, 2019,233:160-168. (ABS2星,IF:9.0)
[44].张国兴,李佳雪,管欣. 部际节能减排政策博弈与协同关系的演进分析[J].管理评论,2019,31(12):250-263.被《人大复印资料:生态环境保护》2020年第4期全文转载.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[45].张国兴,邓娜娜,管欣,程赛琰,保海旭. 公众环境监督行为、公众环境参与政策对工业污染治理效率的影响——基于中国省级面板数据的实证分析[J].中国人口资源与环境,2019,29(1):144-151.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[46].张国兴,叶亚琼,管欣,尹江河,吕绚丽.京津冀节能减排政策措施的差异与协同研究[J].管理科学学报,2018, 21(5):111-126.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[47].张国兴,张振华,高杨,陈张蕾,李冰,杜焱强. 环境规制政策与公共健康—基于环境污染的中介效应检验[J].系统工程理论与实践,2018,38(2):361-373.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[49]. Guoxing Zhang, Zhenhua Zhang, Xiulin Gao, Lean Yu, Shouyang Wang, Yingluo Wang. Impact of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Policy Means Coordination on Economic Growth: Quantitative Evidence from China[J]. sustainability,2017,9(5):1-19.
[50].张国兴,张振华,管欣,方敏. 我国节能减排政策的措施与目标协同有效吗?——基于1052条节能减排政策的研究[J].管理科学学报,2017, 20(3):161-181. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[51].张国兴,高晚霞,张振华,管欣,方敏. 产业协同是否有助于提升节能减排的有效性?——基于1052条节能减排政策的研究[J].中国管理科学,2017,25(3):181-189. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[52].李佳雪, 张国兴, 胡毅, 陈张蕾, 尹江河, 冯海东.节能减排政策制定部门的协同有效性—基于1195条节能减排政策的研究[J].系统工程理论与实践,2017,37(6):1499-1511.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[53].张国兴,李佳雪,胡毅,高杨,王凡智. 节能减排科技政策的演变及协同有效性——基于211条节能减排科技政策的研究[J].管理评论,2017,29(12):72-83转126.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[54]. Guoxing Zhang, Zhenhua Zhang, Yongjing Cui, Chun Yuan. Game Model of Enterprises and Government Based on the Tax Preference Policy for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction[J]. Filomat,2016, 30(15):3963–3974.
[55].张国兴,高秀林. 基于期权差异的不对称双寡头投资决策模型[J].系统工程理论与实践,2015,35(3):751-762.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[56].张国兴,高晚霞,管欣. 基于第三方监督的食品安全监管演化博弈模型[J].系统工程学报,2015,30(2):153-164.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[58].张国兴,张振华,刘鹏,刘明星. 我国碳排放增长率的运行机理预测[J].中国管理科学,2015,23(12):86-93.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[59].张国兴,方帅,汪应洛. 考虑商品三重竞争的均衡与协调策略研究[J].管理科学学报,2015,18(11):13-24.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[60].张国兴,高秀林,汪应洛,郭菊娥. 我国节能减排政策协同的有效性研究:1997~2011[J].管理评论,2015,27(12):3-17.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[61].张国兴,程素杰,汪应洛. 消费者对不同排量汽车购买行为的演化研究[J].中国管理科学,2015,23(8):148-157.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[67]. Guoxing Zhang, Mingxing Liu. The Changes of Carbon Emission in China’s Industrial Sectors from 2002 to 2010: A Structural Decomposition Analysis and Input-Output Subsystem[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2014, Article ID 798576, 9 pages.
[68]. Guoxing Zhang, Mingxing Liu, Xiulin Gao. Dynamic Characteristic Analysis of Indirect Carbon Emissions Caused by Chinese Urban and Rural Residential Consumption Based on Time Series Input-Output Tables from 2002 to 2011[J].Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 297637, 11 pages.
[69]. Guoxing Zhang,Sujie Cheng.International Oil Price’s Impacts on Carbon Emission in China’s Transportation Industry[J]Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management,2014,7(4):749-768.
[70].张国兴,高秀林. 我国节能减排政策措施的有效性研究[J].华东经济管理,2014,28(5):45-50.
[74].张国兴,刘鹏. CERs 收益权质押融资业务的质押率模型[J].管理评论,2012,24(2):59-64转70. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[75].GuoXing Zhang, Peng Wang, Ju-E Guo, Guorong Chai. Non-Competition Guaranteed Value and Effect on the Toll Road Project[J]. Transport, 2011,26(2):178-184.
[76]. Guoxing Zhang, Ju-e Guo,Guorong Chai, Li Gong, Xuejun Wang.Using jumping-diffusion modeling for valuing real options in infrastructure projects[J].Frontiers of computer science in China,2010,4(2):263—270.
[78].张国兴,郭菊娥,赵强兵.基于跳跃-扩散过程的基础设施项目政府担保价值研究[J]. 预测,2009,28(1):60-64.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[80].张国兴,郭菊娥,席酉民,薛冬.政府对秸秆替代煤发电的补贴策略研究[J]. 管理评论,2008(5):33-36.(国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[81].张国兴,郭菊娥,刘东霖.建设时间和投资成本不对称的双寡头期权博弈模型[J]. 管理科学,2008,21(4):75-81. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[82].张国兴,郭菊娥,晏文隽.拥有“暂停期权”的不对称双寡头投资博弈模型[J]. 运筹与管理,2008,17(3):140-145. (国家自然科学基金委管理学部认定的重要期刊)
[83].张国兴,郭菊娥,龚利.基础设施项目政府担保价值研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2007(20):51-52.
[84].张国兴,郭菊娥,龚利.基础设施BOT项目特许权期的决策模型[J]. 统计与决策, 2007(12):57-58.
(8) 中国博士后科学基金《基于政府补贴的企业碳减排项目投资决策行为研究 》(基金编号:2012M512015),主持。
(9) 教育部人文社科基金《基于CERs收益权质押业务的风险规避途径及其政策保障研究》(青年项目:10YJC630377),主持。
(10) 国家重大研究项目《三峡工程论证结论阶段性评估项目》,骨干。