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文章来源:科研办公室 作者:黄倩文 柳武妹 审核:刘亚军 发布时间:2023年05月04日 点击数: 字号:【


题   目:The Implications of Psychological Distance for Numerical Judgment

主讲人:严登峰 副教授

主持人:柳武妹 教授

时   间:2023年5月8日(周一)上午9:00-11:00

地   点:腾讯会议(会议ID:494 808 638,密码:146252)


Many numerical expressions contain a separator such as a comma (e.g., 1,234) or a decimal point (e.g., 12.34) that divides the number into left and right parts. This research examines how individuals compare such numbers as a function of psychological distance. Integrating insights from research on attention, numerical cognition, and mental construal, we hypothesize that psychological distancing increases the perceived changeability of left (vs. right) digits to a greater degree, which leads individuals to pay more attention and assign greater weight to the left digits in judgment. Seven studies offer triangulating support for this theorizing and the underlying mechanism. In addition, we show that this effect is attenuated when individuals do not subscribe to the belief that numerical information is changeable and when the separator is absent. This research offers additional nuance to our understanding of numerical cognition and how psychological distance influences the construal of information.


