Academic News
主 持 人:钱志峰 青年研究员
报 告 人:乔海科 博士后
报告地点:腾讯会议 (会议ID:775-666-425)
随着科技的飞速发展,家电和电子产品更新换代速度的加快,废弃产品无疑成为了我国实现碳达峰和碳中和的重要阻碍。为了减少废弃产品的碳排放,回收再制造作为一种经济、低碳、绿色的生产方式受到众多制造商的青睐。然, 近来市场中出现的新变化给这些制造商带来了亟需解决的新挑战:如,制造商在进行运营决策时需考虑其回收再制造和在线销售渠道选择以及消费者在线评论的交互影响。有鉴于此,本研究从再制造产品和在线销售渠道对消费者购买行为影响的视角出发,通过构建博弈模型,探讨了再制造、授权策略、在线评论和销售渠道等市场因素综合作用下,从业者的产品最优定价策略;明晰了在线评论对制造商定价决策的影响机制;解决了再制造产品的生产授权策略及在线销售渠道选择问题。为再制造行业的低碳健康发展提供管理理论借鉴。
乔海科,男,西安交通大学与香港城市大学联合培养博士,主要从事可持续运营、闭环供应链等领域的研究工作,以第一作者在Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,Computers & Industrial Engineering,International Transactions in Operational Research等SCI/SSCI主流期刊发表多篇论文。
1. Qiao, Haike, & Su, Qin. (2021). Distribution channel and licensing strategy choice considering consumer online reviews in a closed-loop supply chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 151, 102338. (SSCI/SCI, JCR 1 区, 发表年中科院 1 区 Top , ABS3 星)
2. Qiao, Haike, & Su, Qin (2021). The prices and quality of new and remanufactured products in a new market segment. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(2). (SSCI/SCI, JCR 2 区)
3. Qiao, Haike, & Su, Qin. (2021). Impact of government subsidy on the remanufacturing industry. Waste Management, 120, 433-447. (SCI, JCR 1 区, 发表年中科院 1 区 Top)
4. Qiao, Haike, Zhang, Zijun, & Su, Qin (2021). The optimal hourly electricity price considering wind electricity uncertainty based on conditional value at risk. International Journal of Green Energy, 18(5),
512-524. (SCI, JCR 2 区,ABS2 星)
5. Qiao, Haike, Zhang, Zijun, & Su, Qin (2023). Blockchain technology adoption of the manufacturers with product recycling considering green consumers. Computers & Industrial Engineering 177 (2023):
109021. (SCI, JCR 1 区, 发表年中科院 1 区 Top, ABS2 星)